Faculty Development
Faculty Development efforts span across the Center for High Impact Practices to the College of Continuing Education and Professional Development.
Dr. Orlando Ayala, an Engineering Professor shares his e-Portfolio experiences.
Faculty Community of Practice
ODU's Faculty Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of talented faculty who share a passion for teaching and learn how to become more effective as they share best practices and experiences regularly. The Faculty CoP reflects the fundamentally social nature of human learning. The image to the left depicts Dr. Orlando Ayala, an Engineering Professor, sharing his experiences incorporating e-Portfolio assignments into his class. Our Faculty CoP meet synchronously in the evenings once a month, asynchronously via technology throughout the semester, and via "ScreenSide Chats" using WebEx.
e-Portfolio (eP3) Faculty Workshops
Each semester e-Portfolio Workshops are conducted that bring together new a faculty cohort who join our existing Faculty Community of Practice. Our e-Portfolio initiative, supported by our Provost, Dr. Augustine Agho; Vice Provost, Dr. Brian Payne; and Executive Director, Lisa Mayes provides our faculty and support staff the resources to scaffold our faculty. Currently, our faculty cohorts represent all disciplines across Old Dominion University and work is underway to focus not only on individual courses but also incorporating e-Portfolios and other high impact practices into academic and certificate programs. The image to the right is a snapshot of a three day interactive e-Portfolio faculty workshop.
STEM Faculty collaborates on an e-Portfolio activity.
Dr. Deri Draper facilitates a faculty workshop on Integrated Learning.
HIP Faculty Workshops
Recently, AAC&U designated e-Portfolios as a high impact practice (HIP). At Old Dominion University, we have identified e-Portfolios as a "Super HIP" because students can showcase the other high impact practices in their e-Portfolios. Faculty Development efforts have expanded to include other high impact practices such has high stakes writing assignments, integrated learning processes, design thinking, learning communities, service learning and affordable course content (OER).
College of Continuing Education and Professional Development Faculty Community of Practice
The College of Continuing Education and Professional Development recruit superior faculty from across the United States. CoCEPD Contributing Faculty not only provide our students with a superior learning experience, but rather are Contributing Faculty that informs our curriculum committee of current trends and emerging research to ensure our programs, majors, and certificate programs are on the cutting edge. For example, our Interdisciplinary Studies Program in Leadership provides students an exemplary learning experience focused on ethics, law, and women studies.
Faculty sharing best practices.